Hi there…
I’m looking forward to (finally) sending out a newsletter (which I’ve been planning to do for a while, but just wanted to make sure it was something you’d really enjoy!) You won’t hear from me often, but only when I’ve got something interesting in mind! Go ahead and sign up because I’ve got some fun things planned - like sneak peaks, favorite things, what I’m reading, deleted scenes, news, signed goodies, project updates, and more. If that sounds good, go ahead and sign up below!
Thanks so much for being here.
xo -
“We had been the ones to remain, our hearts captured by the scent of grass on the breeze and the way the light turned coral over a field at dusk. The sound of Hannah giggling as she swung in long arcs beneath an oak tree that glowed golden in the fall. Graham and I had stayed.
Or so I had thought.”